Friday, September 2, 2011

Rollin On Out.

Labor Day always seemed to be so bittersweet as a kid; on one hand it was one final hurrah! for summer - a vacation with the family - and on the other, it meant that school was starting again. But let's be honest, I was never one to dread the start of school! ...Though I was often caught up in the last minute speed read of our summer literature lists (ok, ok, twist my arm, it was more like every year. Some things never change I guess).

In any case, I've been stockpiling some lovely summer vignettes in my files, and it seems like the appropriate time to share them with you all. Enjoy!

 Off to Tahoe in a few short hours!  Have a safe holiday!

Images (from top to bottom):  Arthur Shuraev (via Design Crush), Virginia-Gálvez (via Design Crush), Unknown, ParisPhotographer (via Etsy), ParisPhotographer

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